Friday, February 5, 2010

Super Bowl on the brain

What's a girl from the Gulf Coast to do? All I have been able to think about is the Saints in the Super Bowl. This is a huge event for my family. My niece has colored her hair with gold and black stripes. My otherwise eloquent mother now greets me on the phone with 'Whodat?'. And my father has peppered my inbox with daily feelgood humor about this oh-so-magical Saints team.

We are going to watch the Super Bowl at Chez Serrano-Mingo, where the house will be festooned with Mardi Gras paraphernalia and everyone will be adorned with a handful of Mardi Gras beads as they walk in the door.

The drink of the day will be Hurricanes and the cuisine will be gumbo and bread pudding.
What else??

One note of surprise, I went to our local grocery store this morning on the hunt for pre-made hurricane mix, and I got a circle of mystified faces as they actually asked me what a Hurricane was. What is a hurricane?!? This may be the West Coast, but for crying out loud I thought that the notoriety of late-night exploits in the French Quarter would have traveled further.

As I explained how it was Super Bowl weekend, and that this was after all the New Orleans Saints' first ever appearance I had hoped for them to start cluing in so I didn't have to completely spell it out. You know, New Orleans, Gulf Coast, hurricanes.........? No luck. So I wrapped up my inquiry with a remark that they had missed out on a hell of a marketing opportunity and left. I'm pretty sure they still don't get what I was talking about. Boo!

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