Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Ike Updates - Wednesday, September 17 2008

Things are really starting to pick up in Houston. I can't say the same for Galveston.
The Mayor of Galveston had instituted a 'look and leave' policy from 6 to 6 for residents who just couldn't wait to get back and see what was left of their home. However, I have heard that she has suspended this.

One of Houston's local new stations has a running blog of all of the businesses that are open - this incluedes banks, drug stores, and businesses that sell food (restaurants/groceries) and ice and fuel. Of course, the liquor stores have to be included too! The list is becoming very long, and I was happy to see that our local Walgreens and Kroger are on the list today. Our local bank branch is not yet open.

CenterPoint Energy's website is back up, and they report this morning that 62% are still without power:

They've also posted a zip code breakdown of power/no power, and I can see that for our zip code, there are a total of 5,973 still without power, to make up 41% of the zip code.

Here's an outage map of the Houston area, as of 8:00 pm CST on Wednesday 9/16: The red areas are those still without power.

Tracy let me know that they got power back at their house on Monday night and were quite happy about that. The water boil restriction has also been lifted, and hot water is beginning to flow into showers again! Small but important victory!

The city of Houston has changed its curfew hours from 9 pm-6 am to 12 am-6 am. The mayor says the curfew is in place primarily for the safety of roads and neighborhoods. This curfew has also been extended to Monday 9/22 (from Saturday 9/20)

Here is a link to photos:
This appears to be a collection of photos sent in from residents to the news station. There are a lot there, so it may take an extra few moments to load.

It's looking a lot like we'll be ready to head home tomorrow. We'll make the decision once we know for sure that the power has or has not been restored to our house today. Tracy's instincts told her it would be, and I agree. Cross your fingers everyone!

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