Thursday, February 21, 2008

I planted my political flag today

Well, I finally did it. I made a donation to my Presidential candidate of choice. It's not much - we don't have much to give after the surgery and the property taxes - but it's a stake in the ground and I have firmly planted it.

My candidate of choice is Barack Obama.

Don't worry - I'm not going to inundate anyone with propaganda or persuasive messages about anyone. I know some people didn't like it when I tried to spark some conversation on W and sent out messages about why he had to go in 2004. But I felt like my country and all of the principles it was founded on were being snatched away from me and I couldn't just do nothing! I was irrevocably compelled to make my voice heard - to cry out at the injustice of everything that Bush embodies!

But like I said - I am not going to do that this time. The reason is because this time the race is about building up the American dream again, not about tearing it down. It is a new kind of politics, and one that I believe should speak for itself. I'll remark on things from time to time, but no active campaigning will be in my future. You are safe :)

The only two things I will do is:

1) Give you a link to the page where you can donate too, if you want:


2) Show you a music video that was put together recently for Obama:

This video was released a couple of weeks and already has over 4 million views on YouTube!

So, there you have it. Obama is my man. I'll still love all of you who don't agree with me, and I hope you'll feel the same way about me!


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