Monday, November 26, 2007
Sunset Dreams
Gobble gobble
This is no small feat.
Definitely more than 4 days worth of time, I barely scraped the surface of what I need to get together.
When I took breaks, I watched movies and got caught up on Heroes. Dudley and I went for walks and worked in the yard. I got the house all festooned with Christmas cheer.
I didn't have one bit of turkey and I couldn't be happier about it!
Another post will come in a little while, with some lovely aerial photos from the last flight I took....
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Waco fun
Sunday, November 11, 2007
A funfilled Saturday
With me flying back to Texas tonight, we decided to make the most out of the day and do some fun stuff!
Wild Animal Park
After 5+ years of living here, I finally got to go to the Wild Animal Park! We didn't see all of it, but I didn't really want to anyway...we are planning on coming back with Jonathan and his family. Instead of rushing to see it all, we picked a circuitous route around the south end of the park so we could see the lions.
We had a great time! We saw a 'hot air balloon', which gives people a 10 minute or so ride up in the air to take in the landscape:
We saw an Eland along the way, and then we got to see the lions.
They were lazing in the afternoon sun, completely ignoring us. The only time they picked up their heads was to listen to a plane as it passed overhead.
Then we went to go see the Elephant show.
We learned that there are 5 Asian Elephants and 11 African elephants at the Wild Animal Park.
We also learned that elephants have over 100,000 muscles in their trunks. The elephants demonstrated this by catching sticks, one after the other, as they were being tossed up by the handler. One elephant had 5 sticks in her trunk by the time they were done!
The elephants were really beautiful and gentle.
The handlers showed us how they have to be trained to do lots of things so that the handlers can take care of them, like trust to raise their feet up behind them so that handlers can check for abcesses and also to crouch down so that the handlers can get a better look at them during health checkups. After the elephants, we made our way back to the front, where we saw lots of birds hanging out in the waterways that run through the park, and then stopped to see some cute meerkats.
I love those little guys!But they moved so fast that I couldn't get a very clear shot of them!Instead, they came out looking like the Tazmanian Devil! :D
All in all, we had a great time, but that was only half of our fun day!
I invited Tan and a friend and Alberto invited Angel and his girlfriend Dawn.
I always get nervous when you mix groups and I wasn't sure if it all turn out well. But we had a great time and everyone enjoyed playing poker and drinking until almost 2 am!
We had a lot of fun teaching Dawn how to play and I (who lost all my money in record time!) ended up being the designated dealer most of the night.
I hope we get to hang with this group again soon.
Sunday, November 4, 2007
A word from Obama
A year ago, when Barack Obama was just coming onto the political landscape, I wrote him a letter saying that he should run for President (I was very interested in infusing some new blood into the old game) and that he should make the recovery of the Gulf Coast one of his top issues.
I flattered myself by thinking that I might get a response back, but never expected it to happen. Sure enough, after many months went by I almost forgot that I'd even written.
Until I got this:
Your eyes do not decieve you, it is a response from Barack Obama that I got about a month ago. Yes, that is his handwritten signature on the bottom of the letter!
As indicated, he enclosed literature on what his position on the Gulf Coast is.
I was really affected by receiving this letter - partly because I never thought it would happen, but more because I could tell it wasn't just a form letter that one of his staff autoprinted and mailed.
I can see that his team is actually reading and responding to the letters he's receiving, and I can see that he played a personal role in writing the letter because of the content of the first paragraph.
Can Obama really be a man of the people? I wasn't too impressed with him when I saw him at the L.A. rally in February, but I think I owe it to him to have another look...
A bird's eye view...
Here are a few shots from the road. There was pretty much a lot of two things - smoke and traffic:
sorry it's fuzzy - but you can see the thick haze everywhere and the sea of cars.