Thursday, August 16, 2007

Phoenix storm

I am in Phoenix for a couple of days for the start of a new project.

When I walked out of the airport at 8:30 pm last night, it was 104 degrees outside. By 9:30 am this morning, it was 105. Thank goodness for air conditioning, although rooms never do get quite cool enough, and that includes my hotel room!

Not only is it damn hot, but there are wind storms! My colleague tells me that they have these storms every afternoon during the summer. On the way back to the office from the client's office at 4:30 today, all of a sudden everything started blowing around. Palm tree fronds started blowing off the trees and falling down onto the street below. Road construction cones and signs tipped over and clattered on the medians.

Then, as we approached and passed through a major street intersection, a huge cloud of dust blew in from our left and obscured the view all around us. This continued for about 30 minutes, and as we left the parking garage to enter our office building, I was almost blown over by the gusts. Needless to say, my hair was a rat's nest!

I go home tomorrow afternoon, just in time to spend the weekend at home. I am crossing my fingers that the kitchen will be all done when I get home - when I left, all that was left to be done was to finish the backsplash. Maybe pictures will be ready next week!

Have a great weekend!

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