Summer is coming and we at the Serrano house are finding all sorts of new ways to view summer activities. Jason, now 3 1/2, will be continuing at his preschool, Vista Christian Pre School, but I might take him out one week for vacation bible school (aka VBS). I have never done VBS, and have no idea what it is like yet, but judging by the flurry of activity from my Christian mom friends, it's apparently very popular. I am learning more about it now.
Congratulations on becoming a licensed contractor! |
Alberto is knee deep in work with his new business, J3 Services. He passed the state exam to become a California licensed contractor earlier this year, and we have now begun efforts to get in touch with his old customers, collect testimonials, and get started on new projects. He is also networking with a few general contractors in the San Diego area that are also beginning to send work his way. Take a look at the J3 website when you can:
I am busy learning how to be a stay-at-home mom, even though I am still doing some contract consulting work. More often than not, though, I find myself trying to remember what my routine should be. Between laundry, housework, cooking and taking care of Elliott, it is a full-time job!
And speaking of Elliott, he is (as always) AWESOME! :) We had his 4 month check-up today, and I learned the following stats:
Such a happy boy! Elliott on May 28, 2012 |
Age - 4 months, 3 days
Height - 26 inches (75-90 th percentile)
Weight - 16 lbs 6 oz (75 th percentile)
Head circumference - 41.5 cm (just below 50 th percentile)
Everyone remarks on how big he is, which is ironic since he was so little when he was born. It has literally been in the last month that he has grown out of 3 month clothing and is now in 6 to 9 month clothing!!
His pediatrician says he is excellent in every way and couldn't be better. He also recommended I start him on eating solids (starting with cereal of course). What do you think? I know that it's normal to start between 4 & 6 months, but I don't know if I am ready yet! :)
Here are some lovely photos of our beautiful boys. Some are better than others, as we had to buy a new and improved camera after I accidentally dropped ours on the pier in Oceanside. I only went without a camera for a week and was still about to go stircrazy! I guess I really am a technology junkie.
The Serrano Family - May 6, 2012 |
I believe this is the first full family photo we have taken. We are at the Carlsbad Street Fair in May.
Me and my boys on Mother's Day |
Our friend Mimi turned us on to Dream Dinners - this is one of the meals: "Family Pizza Night". The boys had so much fun making their own pizzas! April 21, 2012 |
What a big boy! We are still amazed at how fast Jason is growing. May 27, 2012 |
And speaking of technology, here is my new hobby - Pinterest! Have you been on Pinterest yet? It took me about a day to figure it out, but it is really fun to see all the cool ideas and images from people, and I have already benefitted from it by finding some amazing blogs on being a great housewife and mom, easy quilting tips and ideas and recipes to try for the family.
We are enjoying our new home immensely, and have the friendliest and most considerate neighbors possible. The multiple playgrounds around the neighborhood are going to be great for Elliott as he starts to be mobile. I am looking forward to an awesome summertime with him!