We have:
*painted the walls
*gotten the crib set up
*set up the playard/changing table
*prepped the nursing station
*gotten the cd player and baby music ready
*and washed every single thread of clothing the baby owns
Check out at all the cool stuff our kid is going to wear, thanks to all the gifts our friends and family have given! He is definitely going to be the coolest kid on the block.
He has sports themed outfits, monkey themed outfits, teddy bear sleepers, doggie nightgowns and lots of sea turtle and froggie towels.
I can't wait for him to wear one of his home-made beanie and bootie sets too. They are beautiful and handmade!
And don't get me started on the hats - beanies, caps, hats with tassles....what a cutie-pie we will have.
Isn't the bedding great? And the rich cherry of the crib is a beautiful contrast.
Our adorable plush monkey toy sits in the corner, patiently waiting for his new friend to arrive!
Liz and Alberto were kind enough to tackle the matching wall border a couple of weekends ago.
It was a lot more work than one would think! But they managed to have a good time getting the task done, even though they got a little wet and gooey.
I'm nine months pregnant now!
What a journey it has been.
We can't wait to meet our little boy.