I am in Waco again, passing time in my hotel room. I caught the last 45 minutes of the last Democratic debate, which took place in Iowa today. My interest had been a bit peaked because all I can see on the internet these days is how Obama is rapidly narrowing the gap between himself and Clinton, and I wanted to see how that would play out.
Everybody played really nice, and they even all stood up for Joe Biden when he was asked a character question on how some remarks he has made in recent days about people of various races should have been interpreted. I thought this was very admirable and a rare moment where I could see that everyone on the stage abandoned their own selfish motives for a moment to give a rousing cheer and applause for Senator Biden when he was done speaking.
But my favorite part was when the mediator asked Obama how he, with relatively little foreign policy experience, would utilize the many former Clinton advisors who have taken his side but still break from the past and bring about the change he was promising.
As he began to respond, you could hear from the other side of the room when Clinton started laughing, accompanied by a low rumbling from the audience. She picked up on that and said with a smile something along the lines of "I'm looking forward to hearing this".
Obama glanced at her and laughed for a moment, paused a split second and looked down to regain his train of thought, and then brought his head back up, looked her straight in the eye and said "Well I'm looking forward to you advising me too Hillary."
That really roused the crowd! Even the moderator couldn't hold back a laugh. I laughed my ass off and clapped in my hotel room along with many other people in the audience.
And by the way, I liked his answer too.
Obama just earned another point with me ;)